Letters to the editor — June 21

Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tanglewood Business Park

Quoting from last week’s Clemmons Courier column, “Council pulls support for Tanglewood Business Park”: (Michelle) “Barson said that the council had moved … to (a position) of actively advocating and working for a more profitable, productive use of that area.” How can anyone take such a position, absent incomplete or no county business analysis, and Clemmons Council having done superior analyses that the public has not seen? Handwaving palaver is unlikely to deflect the county commissioners from the hurtful trajectory they are on. The Courier column relates Barson’s receipt of approval from council “for staff to create a resolution for the next meeting … outlining why this is a poor decision for the taxpayers of Forsyth County and an even worse one for those that happen to reside in Clemmons.” Hopefully such a resolution would spell out the results of credible analyses supporting the claim, analysis that have not been published if in fact they exist. If not, is it realistic to think such analyses can be accomplished in two weeks before the next meeting?

How can Clemmons really change the trajectory that the commissioners are on? Perhaps by seeking a court injunction that inhibits population of the industrial park until after sufficient infrastructure improvements have been put in place, or at least funded and in work. Embarking on legal action has the prerequisite of hard-nosed real-world analyses that clearly demonstrate the scope of the impending injury. Unclear is whether this council and its attorney have the cohones to fund such analyses and seek an injunction.

Albert Harbury,