Letters to the editor — Oct. 18

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 18, 2018

In support of Republicans

Some voters who regularly cast ballots in presidential election years often skip midterm elections thinking they are of less importance. It’s imperative that you vote in this midterm election if you like what has already happened since 2017 and want this growth to continue. Just take a look at “promises made/promises kept.”It has been amazing.

More than two million jobs created, stock market reached an all-time high, consumer confidence at a 17-year high, and plans have been drafted to defeat ISIS. The list goes on … there’s still work to do, however, Republican policies are making it easier for our economy to soar.

This year, the turnout may determine whether the dramatic and positive changes made over the past 18 months will go forward or will be rolled back by Democratic majorities. The Democrats have promised to repeal the tax cuts, and reinstate regulations that stifle business growth thus putting our economic boom in reverse. Their failure to support a border wall will increase illegal immigration, putting an even greater burden on taxpayers and increasing crime and violence. If you believe America still has good years ahead and you like progress, then I encourage you to go to the polls on Nov. 6 and choose conservative candidates for local, state and federal offices.

— Bobbie Pope


Navigating the VA process

No “thank you” here, just about the topic that never disappears — veterans administration
For years, I struggled with the VA to the point where even words and thoughts of suicide surfaced.
Since my father’s death, I had been dealing with the “process” for obtaining medical expense benefits for my mother. It was like a maze with no light at every turn.
Anyone who has dealing with the VA knows the feeling. For all others, the best way I can explain it, is like asking the devil to do the right thing. It’s just not in them.
Then to our salvation comes Congresswoman Foxx. I talked and she listened and started me out of that maze. Her “interest” triggered their “interest.”
All the grievances and letter of denials were once again looked at and somehow things that weren’t appropriate or unclear suddenly became appropriate and clear. In short we got paid. Ms. Foxx was there for me and my family and your support will ensure she will there for yours.
— Priscilla Reid