Titan Tattler: What West students are thankful for

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It means good food, great football and a day well spent with family and friends. Whether it be separating the wishbone after dinner or putting up a Christmas tree, each family seems to have their own traditions, tailoring the unique holiday to their equally individual family. New trends have surfaced within the walls of West Forsyth as well. Jokingly, teens and young adults have been texting their parents to ask how long it takes to cook a 25-pound turkey, leaving mothers everywhere baffled and slightly concerned. Groups of friends are getting together to celebrate “Friendsgiving,” a day focused around appreciating the people who get you through the everyday hustle and bustle of life. In celebration of this day, I asked the students of West Forsyth what they were most thankful for. Here are some of the best answers.

“I’m most thankful for my mom and dad, as cheesy as that sounds. And my dog and sister and brother,” senior Kiera Cornatzer said.

“This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for all of the opportunities we get,” junior Austin Hicks said.

“I am extremely thankful that I get to live in a place where natural beauty surrounds us,” sophomore Mia Scott said.

“I’m thankful for Thanksgiving episodes of my favorite TV shows,” junior Casey Griffith said.

“I’m most thankful for Chick-fil-A. They keep me going,” senior Jordan Tucker said.

“This year, I’m really grateful for the time I get to spend with my friends and family outside of school. It’s that quality time that really matters,” junior Tyson Edwards said.

“I’m thankful for all of the support I receive from my friends,” freshman Matthew Nesser said.