Community Calendar — Jan. 17
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 17, 2019
Clemmons Branch Library
Week of Jan. 17
For more information on these and other programs, check the online calendar of events at or call 336-703-2920. The Clemmons Branch Library is located at 3554 Clemmons Road in Clemmons.
Youth Programs:
New Year’s Origami: Drop in to the Clemmons Branch Library on Wednesday, Jan. 30, starting at 4 p.m. to ring in the New Year with unique origami creations. All supplies will be provided. Open to children in grades 1-5.
Adult Programs:
Book Lovers’ Club: The Clemmons Branch Library’s Book Lovers’ Club meets every first Monday of the month (unless the date falls on a holiday). Join this dynamic group for a great discussion of a selected title. Free and open to the public. The next meeting will be 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 4 with a discussion of “The Other Einstein” by Marie Benedict.
Clemmons Cookin’ Club: If you enjoy cooking, come join the Clemmons Cookin’ Club. Come in and choose a recipe from a pre-selected book and a copy will be made for you. Bring in the finished dish on the day of the meeting to share with other members. Expand your palate by tasting all the recipes, connect with people who enjoy cooking, and discuss the recipes. Call 703-2920 if you have questions. The program will last about one hour. The next meeting is on Wednesday, Feb. 20, in the auditorium at 3554 Clemmons Road and the club will be cooking soul food recipes in honor of Black History Month. Visit or call the library for more information.
Clemmons pro-life event
Forsyth Republican Women to meet
The Forsyth County Republican Women will hold their January meeting on Thursday, Jan. 24, at the Mi Pueblo Restaurant at 644 South Stratford Road in Winston-Salem. Those planning to eat should arrive at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. The featured speaker will be Mitch Kokai who is director of communications for the John Locke Foundation and a reporter for News 14 Carolina. He will provide an overview of the legislative focus in Raleigh for the coming year. Members and guests are encouraged to attend.
Salem Band to present ‘Bernstein Birthday Concert’
Introduction to West Forsyth High
Rising freshman in the class of 2023 who will be new to West Forsyth are invited to attend “Explore the Possibilities,” an introduction seminar for new students. Come and learn about the offerings West has in academics, athletics and extracurricular activities. The event will be Jan. 30, at 6 p.m. in the Anderson Performing Arts Center Auditorium. Parents of current and rising students are encouraged to attend a school-wide meeting on Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. to hear registration information particular to West Forsyth. This meeting will also be held at the Anderson Performing Arts Center Auditorium. If you have questions, call 336-712-4403.
GriefShare program at Clemmons UMC
Clemmons United Methodist Church will have a series of GriefShare, a grief support group every Monday night at 7 p.m. in the Ministry Center. If you or someone you know is grieving the loss of a loved one, you are invited to join. For more information, call Nancy at 336-971-7275 or Ann at 434-251-0343. Clemmons United Methodist Church is located at 3700 Clemmons Road.
Victory on the Frontline Church
Kiwanis Club
The Clemmons Kiwanis Club meets at the Trinity Elms Health & Rehab facility at 7449 Fair Oaks Dr. in Clemmons. The club meets on the first and third Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. Meeting lasts one hour. Call 703- 2921 for any other information.
Clemmons Civic Club
Clemmons Civic Club, one of the areas oldest community organizations, is now open to both men and women interested in serving the Clemmons community. Meeting are held in the civic club building on Middlebrook Drive the fourth Thursday of the month beginning with dinner at 6:30 p.m. followed by an informative program. Your first meal is complimentary. RSVP to Garland Layton, president at 336-462-6074.
Rotary Club of Clemmons
Clemmons Rotary Club meets from 7–8 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Village Inn Event Center, 6205 Ramada Dr, Clemmons. Contact Daniel Ballard at 336-608-9122 or, or visit for more information.
Chamber of Commerce
The Lewisville-Clemmons Chamber of Commerce meetings are held from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Historic Broyhill, 3540 Clemmons Road, Clemmons. Lunch is $10 for members and guests. Please RSVP to 336-970-5100 or email
Lewisville American Legion Post 522
Join a community post that supports our veterans and the town of Lewisville. Responsible for the veteran’s memorial and Memorial Day event at the Shallowford Square in Lewisville. Post also assists in veteran’s funerals. Meets every first Thursday at 7:30 p.m. At the G. Galloway Reynolds Community Center directly behind Lewisville Library. For more info. call Larry at 945-9529.
Clemmons Food Pantry
The Clemmons Food Pantry, now located at 2585 Old Glory Road, Suite 109, Clemmons, is open Tuesdays from 4 to 6 p.m., Thursdays from 4 to 7 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 to 11 a.m. People may receive services or drop off donations at these times.
Cross Stitching at Shiloh Lutheran
If you enjoy needle crafting, knit, cross-stitch, crochet and non-sewing blanket projects, consider joining the Busy Hands Group, every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Located at Shiloh Lutheran Church fellowship hall, 703 Lewisville-Vienna Rd, Lewisville, NC 27023. Items donated to sick, needy and shut-ins.