Couriering Clemmons — What was happening this week in 1975
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 24, 2020
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Couriering this area this week in 1975 — The Clemmons Extension Homemakers Club No. 1 honored Mrs. Henley M. Ogburn (Mrs. Fannie) with a covered dish luncheon at the home of Mrs. Ruth Bingham on Dock Davis Road in Clemmons.
Mrs. Pamela Ann Robertson of Clemmons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Robertson of 4250 Stoneybrook Road has been selected one of 14 members of the Meredith College tennis team.
The all-women team’s 14 match schedule was to run through November.
Miss Kaye Sheets recently honored her parents Bobby and Carlene Sheets of Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Lewisville, with a reception in celebration of their 25th anniversary.
Clemmons Garden Club members who attended a meeting of the board of directors of the Garden Club of N.C., Inc. in High Point last week were Mrs. Ray E. Snyder, Mrs. W.T. Mills, Mrs Carl N. Boon, and Mrs. Edwin Maddrey. The ladies attended both the business meeting and the luncheon which was held at the Top-Of-The-Mart.
Mrs. Calvin Vestal of Woodsman Way was hostess at the Woodhaven Home and Garden Club meeting. Co-hostess was Mrs. Jim Bovender. A program on flower arrangements for the Dixie Classic Fair was given by Mrs. Becky Jones of the Garden Club Council.
Tuesday, Sept. 16, was a happy occasion for Mrs. Ruth Pennington of Shady Brook Lane, Lewisville, and her twin brother, Rufus Beck, of Rt. 2, Mocksville. The two celebrated their 72nd birthday with a luncheon at Mrs. Beck’s home.
Mrs. John Hunter, Mrs. Kenneth Watson and Mrs. Lewis Williams, all of Clemmons, attended the United Methodist Women’s spiritual retreat held at the Children’s Home in Winston-Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Eugene Moser of Blue Bonnet Lane attended the dinner dance at the Winston-Salem Elk’s Club. Among those at the table were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Don Newton, all of Clemmons.
The Clemmons Cowboys Jr. Peewees fell 0-16 before the power of the Red Shield Boys Club. Jeffrey Davis and Mike Dillon led the Cowboys in tackling and Brian Moretz recovered a crucial fumble. Scott Fortiscue also aided the team effort by catching a pass.
The West Forsyth German Club attended the Oktoberfest celebration held at the Bavarian Inn in Winston-Salem. Students attending from West were Doug Humberger, Jon Batten, Robert Baldi, Theresa Davis, Ed Thomas, Steve Fox, Kirk Foster, Doug Schweighart, Don Dezern and Jean Murray.