Community Calendar for the week of Sept. 1
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 1, 2022
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
DivorceCare at Clemmons UMC
Clemmons United Methodist Church will offer a 14-week DivorceCare Series on Wednesdays beginning Sept. 7 from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Ministry Center Room A-210.
DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come together to help each other with the healing from the pain of separation or divorce.
This video-based support group program offers helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil that the participants are experiencing. It will also offer practical tools for decision-making.
To register for this group or for more information, go to DivorceCare\Groups\148328. All are welcome.
Discovery Rotary event on September 7
Compass Financial Services to offer Medicare Workshop
Compass Financial Services will offer its informational “Lunch and Learn: Medicare” workshop on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at Bleu Restaurant & Bar, 3425 Frontis Street in Winston-Salem.
Two times will be offered: 11:15 a.m. and 1 p.m., with limited seating at both. Topics will include Medicare Part A & B benefits and enrollment rules, Medicare Advantage Plans vs. Medicare Supplement Plans, how Part D and the “donut hole” work, and more. It is recommended for those who will be turning 65 soon. The workshop is for educational purposes only and no solicitations will be made.
The workshops begin at 11:15 a.m. and 1 p.m.; please arrive 15 minutes early for best seating. There is no cost for the workshop and lunch, but registration is strongly recommended. To register, call 336-768-5111.
Clemmons Civic Club Pancake Breakfast
Saturday, Sept. 17 from 7 a.m. until 11 a.m at the Clemmons Civic Club, 2870 Middlebrook Dr.
All you can eat. $9 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under.
All proceeds benefit high school scholarships for area students.
Shredder event
Holy Family Catholic Church will host another shredder event on Sept. 17 in the church parking lot from 9 a.m.-noon.
Suggested donations are $5 per bag and checks may be made payable to the Knights of Columbus. Paper only please and no metal other than staples or paper clips. Holy Family Catholic is located at 4820 Kinnamon Road in Clemmons.
Walk a Mile to Save Our Babies
Walk a Mile to Save Our Babies will be held Sept. 21 at St. John CME Church, 350 NW Crawford Place in Winston-Salem, to bring awareness to infant mortality in Forsyth County.
Check-in is at 10:30 a.m. and the event will be 11 a.m.-1 p.m. You can register at Participants who register by Sept. 1 receive an event T-shirt. Registration will close Sept. 12.
Participants will walk one mile with empty baby strollers to represent babies lost to the various causes of infant mortality. The event will include guest speakers, a boxed lunch and networking time. The event is sponsored by the Forsyth County Infant Mortality Reduction Coalition.
September is National Infant Mortality Awareness Month. In 2020, the most recent year of available data, 31 Forsyth County babies died during their first year of life.
Historic Bethabara Park Presents Apple Fest 2022
Salem Band Fall Concert
Salem Band and Bugs Bunny will present a Salem Band fall concert “What’s Opera, Doc?” at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 25, in Hanes Auditorium. Join in for an afternoon of your favorite classics from the popular Looney Tunes cartoons! Music by Brahms, Johann Strauss, Franz Liszt and more. Hear “Barber of Seville,” “Dance of the Comedians,” “Blue Danube Waltz” and other selections to accompany some of the most popular cartoon episodes. This free concert will be in Hanes Auditorium at Elberson Fine Arts Center on the campus of Salem Academy and College.
West Forsyth Classes of 1991, 1992 and 1993 reunion information
For West Forsyth alumni classes of 1991, ’92 and ’93, it’s time again to reconnect with old classmates. A class reunion will be held Oct. 14 and 15.
The itinerary will include:
• Alumni section at the homecoming football game
• No host social at local bar
• Reunion at the Village Inn in Clemmons
• No host social at local bar
The cost for Saturday, Oct. 15 is $50 per person. Payments will be accepted through Paypal @robinspeas.
When you pay through PayPal, please include the class you are (ex: Class of ’92), email, phone (optional), maiden name and if you are bringing a guest and their name.
Refunds will be made up to Sept. 14 by emailing Robin Golobic Speas at or Karen Patrick at
Check out the Facebook page for updates West Forsyth High School Reunion Class of ’91-’93 Group.
Please help get the word out about the reunion. Social media is being used to spread the word, so reach out to all your alumni friends.