November and December highlights for Kiwanis Club of Clemmons
Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 2, 2023
By Ina Beavers
November proved to be a busy and fulfilling month for the Kiwanis Club of Clemmons. The first membership meeting of the month was held on Nov. 2. The featured speaker was Alicia DeTroye, advocacy chair for Morgan Elementary School PTA. She spoke about opportunities of working with the PTA. President Michael Watson encouraged the members to take the necessary steps to enable our members to help in our schools.
The board meeting was held at IHOP in Clemmons on Nov. 9.
Items of discussion included donations of Thanksgiving Meals to Morgan Elementary School families, the Angel Tree and helping with Science Night. Chris Billups gave an update on the pecan sales. The club also discussed pending grant applications, upcoming Kiwanis conferences and the possibility of working with the Twin City Lions Club in upcoming projects.
At the Nov. 16 meeting, members compiled boxes for the second annual Thanksgiving Dinner donations. Full Thanksgiving dinners from turkeys to all the trimmings and dessert for 11 families were donated. Club members delivered the meals to Morgan Elementary School on Nov. 22 at 9 a.m.
The Dec. 2 membership meeting was informative and rewarding. Guest speakers included Mayor of Clemmons Mike Rogers, who spoke about the growth in the Clemmons area. He stated that several new businesses had come to, and others have shown an interest in moving to Clemmons. He highlighted some of the improvements made to the infrastructure of the area to expedite traffic flow and improve services.
Watson had asked Rogers how the club could be of service to the Clemmons area. He introduced the club to Tiffany Birdsong, the executive director of the Fostering Faith Foundation. Club members learned of the great need of foster children in Clemmons and other areas they serve. Members agreed this was a very worthwhile project to support. It fits in perfectly with our organization’s goal to be of assistance to children.
The December board meeting was held via Zoom. Items discussed were pecan sales, possible means of support for the Fostering Faith Foundation, upcoming Kiwanis conferences and a review of the club members signed up to man the Salvation Army Kettle Drive.
On Dec. 16, some club members assisted with the Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive by manning a spot and keeping the bell ringing at Lowe’s Food in Clemmons. Club members Chris Billups and Ina Beavers participated in the Advance area Christmas parade in support of the Kiwanis Club of Davie County, which the Clemmons club helped to charter.
The club still has full one-pound bags of fresh, top quality Terri Lynn brand pecans for sale at a discount. To purchase pecans, contact Chris Billups at Proceeds go to fund the club’s many local projects.
Kiwanis Club of Clemmons meets monthly on the first and third Wednesdays at 8 a.m. Anyone interested in joining is welcome. The club currently meets at the activity building of the new Trinity Elms Apartments, 3750 Harper Road, Clemmons. For more information, email