Latest Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor — Oct. 17

Time for a change $1.8 million. That’s what our State Representative and developer Jeff Zenger took from Lewisville ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor — Aug. 1

Our very own Thomas Jefferson Where is Thomas Jefferson when you need him? Remember him? His sense of ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Sewer leak smells trouble

On Monday, June 17, I had gone out back to the garbage can when I noticed a strong ...


Op-ed: Remembering Vienna Village owner Jim Lowe

By Jeff Zenger For the Clemmons Courier LEWISVILLE — I pen this with a heavy heart this morning ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: There are horses and there are neighbors

This is not a story about the trespassing horse who took on a North Carolina Congresswoman’s family, but ...

Letters to the Editor

Ready for the executive seat

Ready to be governor of N.C., Dale Folwell is prepared, works for answers and is such a good ...

Letters to the Editor

Term limits restrict voter choice

I looked up the Republican who is challenging Congresswoman Foxx in the N.C. primary. He had no distinction ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Job performance matters

When someone applies for a new job, you have to consider how well they performed their last one. ...

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor — Feb. 8

Consider Amy Taylor North I am 77 years old, and this is the first letter that I have ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Please vote

Clemmons Community, do you plan to vote this Nov. 7? I know, you’re saying that you see no ...

Letters to the Editor

NC Senior Tar Heel Legislature supports ageism awareness

Ageism Awareness Day is Saturday, Oct. 7. Ageism refers to the stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Library friends

Become a Friend of the Clemmons Library Books are magic. They have the ability to transport us anywhere ...


Letter to the editor: 11-year-old speaks out on gun control

I am 11 years old, and I want gun control so I can be sure my sister is ...


Letter to the editor: 90% by 2025

School board member and current chair Deanna Kaplan, who is facing a highly competitive campaign for re-election, made ...


Letter to the Editor — June 23

How gun deaths compare to the rest of the world How do deaths from guns per 100,000 residents ...


Letter to the editor — June 2

Something needs to be done I am frustrated and angry about yet another mass shooting. We have talked ...


Letter to the editor — May 12

In support of Lew I am writing to endorse the candidacy of our family friend, Sean Lew, for ...


Letters to the editor — May 5

Supporting public education Ah, the Tyranny of the ‘or.’ It was difficult to miss in the full-page ad ...


Letter to the Editor — March 10

Community center planning process Paul Johnson’s letter (March 3) regarding the benefits of a downtown and community center ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor — March 3

The benefit of a downtown and community center Some momentum has appeared in Clemmons for a community center. ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor

The main reason I subscribe to the Courier is to keep up with what goes on in Clemmons. ...


Letter to the Editor — Dec. 2

Thank you for the votes Thank you to everyone who voted in the last village election. Notice, I ...


Letters to the editor — Nov. 11

Thank you for the votes Thank you to all of the voters for electing me to represent you ...


Letter to the editor — Nov. 4

More local news I am a lifetime resident of Clemmons, raised on Harper Road when it was basically ...


Letters to the editor — Oct. 28

Backing Barson Michelle Barson for Congress! But for now, I will be supporting her for the role she ...


Letters to the editor — Oct. 21

Michelle Barson has worked tirelessly for Clemmons Recently, there were notes in large plastic bags with rocks holding ...


Letters to the editor — Oct. 14

Cameron brings experience, wealth of knowledge Clemmons will have an election on Nov. 2, and we will be ...

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